As usual, a little background.
A nameless establishment contacted us about a complimentary service for our home. Since we had used this company before, we decided to have them come to do what they do, and then we would decide later what we would do.
The Creepy Person arrived, and since I was busy with work, My Sweetie handled the appointment. Not long after, I came to get a cup of tea. The Creepy Person turned to say hello, and introduced himself. Even before he opened his mouth, the creepy crawly feeling slithered over my skin. I kept looking at My Sweetie who remained expressionless, and I wasn't sure if he was picking up the same vibes or not (although later, I learned that he was).
When the inspection was over, the Creepy Person went to the kitchen table, and sat down, and he looked like he was making himself comfortable for lunch, and said as much (he was probably joking, but it didn't come out that way). My Sweetie and I exchanged glances as if to say 'what the f*** do we do now???'. The Creepy Person inquired if we wanted a follow-up to complete the actual work, and My Sweetie said no and that we would decide later. The guy was all but shoved out the door, to take his creepiness with him.
This was how we were affected by this visit, but the strangest part is next.
Now, when the Creepy Person walked into the house, our sweetie kitty, CoCo, had an absolute fit. She is a calm, good natured kitty. She doesn't bite or scratch. Doesn't growl or hiss. Heck, she hardly ever meows. She will, at times, come out to visit with company. But when the Creepy Person walked into the house, she had been in the kitchen, and she hissed and spat, and slithered upstairs, and sidled along the railing into the safety of our bedroom, to take cover behind our headboard. She later buried herself under a blanket, never to be seen by the world. She even felt the creepiness. Now, for CoCo, coming from an abusive home, My Sweetie had wondered about CoCo's behaviour toward the Creepy Person, almost as if he might have sounded like her old owner, or maybe WAS her old owner. Or maybe she sensed that he was evil, or an axe murderer, or whatever.
Whatever the case, it was creepy and spooky, and the Creepy Person, who didn't even need a costume for this, will never again be allowed into our home.
Well. it is close to Halloween isn't it? I'm glad that I haven't had to deal with any creepy people at the apartment. dumb ones, but not creepy ones. Maybe the cat knows something? I guess I don't have to tell you to get someone else to do the work do I?
Yikes.. I got all creepy just reading this. Stephen King & Dean Koontz have a lot of Creepy Person types in their books, of which I read a lot.
I believe animals are great judges of character. CoCo just reacted externally what you and Sweetie were feeling internally.
It's weirdos like him that make people not give out their phone numbers :P
Thank God You were around when Creepy Person called. I hate to think how vulnerable ur Sweetie would have been if she was all alone with Creepy Person.
I have that song stuck in my head now.. long haired freaky people needn't ought apply. I hope you're happy now lol.
yikes, what a creepy story.
you might need to burn some sage to get the creepy vibes out of your house for good.
and a belated happy birthday to you!
Its been rectified now. Its just that earlier on in the day, your profile wasnt displaying ur blog name and link but its displaying the afore mentioned now. Maybe some maintenance work was going on earlier on. (smile)
Will you please email me with details?
tg - those are the details! Nothing more to add really.
Sounds like CoCo's sixth sense was kicking in.
That's an awesome picture you selected to illustrate the creepiness!
Moments like those are rare enough that I think we have to listen to them, regardless of whether or not that means that we end up doing something that might be seen as "rude."
Strange how some people can unnerve us just by their presence.
Excellent.. i could almost see him at my table.. ewww
Came by from THE CARNIVAL
Ohhh Nooooo.. you did the CREEPY GUY!!!! LOL
I have a creepy guy that keeps showing up places...he started working at my job as a trainee but after his training the supervisors decided not to have him work there...so I thought I was good. Then one day I was leaving school and I ran into him in the parking lot where he just kept talking to me about this, that and the other thing (while standing about a half a foot away). Then I didn't see him for a long time. About a month ago he showed up at my dad's work and as he knew that we were related started asking my dad how I was doing. He's totally creeping my dad out now.
I think that the cat knew he was a CREEPY guy. Animals ARE great character judges. He was no good, and Coco knew it. Glad you guys got rid of him.
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