Saturday, December 02, 2006

Tales From A Political Junkie

For those of you who may have wondered where I disappeared to for the past 36 hours, I have been glued to the television, watching the Liberal Leadership Convention. I would have given my eye teeth to be in Montreal for that convention.

You see, I am a political junkie. There. I said it. I am always interested in knowing who is running our country, who is going to run our country, and who might be in the position of running our country. I am involved in federal grassroots politics. Now, this certainly does not mean that I am knowledgeable about everything. Far from it. But due to my involvement, I am learning so much. So I am getting my political information addiction well fed.

Now, I purposely do not get into politics on my blog. I don't discuss it. I don't push my point of view, nor comment on other blogs. It's not pertinent, not my thing, and not what my blog is about, but it is part of what I am, and hence this post. I guess I am a closet political junkie (does this mean that I just came out???).

This convention was exciting, and had its own share of twists and turns, with an ending that I could not have predicted. I don't think that many could have predicted it. The winner was not one of my choices, not strongly, but I think it will be a good thing, once we can get over the shock.

As My Sweetie said....'hang's going to be a heckuva ride...'.

He's probably right.


Mike said...

It's probably best not to get into it on ones blog. Many do, but that is up to them. So that's where you've been lol.

lattégirl said...

Kinda figured you were doing something related to politics...

Barb said...

I wondered where you'd wandered off to!

I did check that link you sent me a while back.

Jeni said...

I got involved in the summer of 2006 with a grassroots political group in Pennsylvania -started up over the big flap here with the general assembly passing themselves an absolutely abhorrent pay raise. I am still in the group, follow the postings and such but not out actively spouting rhetoric to the extent I was a year ago at this time. Give me time though and I'll be doing that again I'm sure as I have much faith in our senate and house of reps in Harrisburg that they will, in their infinite wisdom, pull yet another major lunacy as they did with the pay raise!

Ok - once in a while, I may also do a little rant on my blog - but it's not an every day type occurance. In retrospect there - maybe it should be that though.

Barb said...

tch tch tch tch.. That's me.. not a rodent. In case you were wondering. I woke up and thought I'd come bother you lol!

Smalltown RN said...

I didn't watch much of the brother was glued to the TV he is a huge Liberal supporter...I don't know much about that Dion guy...guess I am going to have to go do some checking.

Happy Tuesday. Found you through Skittles Tuesday links....

lattégirl said...

Mags, stop making goo-goo eyes at Ignatieff and get back here.

masgblog said...

I have returned and am preparing post as I type.