Monday, March 10, 2008


ALert! In order to protect moi, there will be a variety of anagram-type words throughout this post.

My wok situation had been very challenging last year, and this year started off in similar fashion. Last year, my wok was less than challenging. Okay, some parts were challenging, but for the most part, not. This year, I had hoped that things would change, and change they did....for the better.

You see, the olden golden days, where a bossperson is tasked with keeping you busy with wok, no longer exist in my world. In my world, and maybe this is the same in your world, I have to continually find my own wok to keep me busy...and employed. Luckily, an opportunity presented itself, one which will keep me wokking at least until October. With any luck this will open other doors, so that I no longer have to keep searching for wok.

I remember the olden golden days so well. Those were the days of 'real' $ raises. And wok value. Those were the days when mangers actually gave a hoot about their sheep.

Sometimes I long for the olden golden days, however, in many ways I am now one of the olden goldens.

postnote - if you were actually able to follow the trend in this post, then great.



Unknown said...

Huh? Wanna work for the devil lady boss?

Anonymous said...

curious... we aiawt fhturer daietls.

masgblog said...

pmg--:-) any other daietls will half 2 bee ophlyne.

sue - work for?? hehe