Saturday, October 25, 2008

End of Sailing Season

The sailing season has come to an end...again. The boat has been hauled and winterized. All that is left to do is to rig the frame (and repair the broken pieces from last winter) and get the winter cover on.

Haulout is always a job and a half. There are so many things to do in advance, then there are things to do on haulout day itself, and then there are post haulout tasks. Sometimes these tasks seem like they are never ending, but the list eventually gets complete.

We have done this for many years now, with various sizes of boats. This boat, which we have had for 5 years now, is the biggest that we have had, but even with all of the extra stroage space, we have managed not to overload it. There are always the necessities that need to be onboard (safety gear, etc), but the extras were kept to a dull roar this year. I guess that's where experience comes in.

This past season seemed especially short. I don't think there was one weekend where we weren't paying special attention to the weather...ah yes the weather...which would change at a moment's notice. Fall was no different in that aspect, what with the warm summer-like temperatures one day, then snow falling the next.

...and they say that global warming doesn't exist...yeah right!


Lendal said...

global warming over here s well - well global wetting is a better way to say it!!

like the blog

jeweledrabbit said...

Hi, Mau. Mo here.

I've tagged you on my blog. :OD