Okay, so yesterday was My 1st Day of Pre-Christmas...wheeeee!
On My Second Day of Pre-Christmas, my pot luck dinner gave to me,
2 pooped people with tired bodies.
.....and a brand new king size bed.
Author's Apologies: Sorry that this is so late. We just finished cleaning up, and now have some spare time.
.....and thank you to everybody who stopped by for yesterday's post! Coolio!
Our little hovel hosted a pot luck for 13 close friends. To the rest of the world, this may not seem like such a big deal, right? Except that we both worked a full day (and fuller week) and then had to prepare and set up etc. Thank goodness we didn't have to clean the house as well (thanks to the extra help that I receive every two weeks). Add to this that I had been on the phone from basically 8 o'clock this morning until 3 o'clock this afternoon, and I had not even showered at that point. When I finally did get to shower, it was time to jump into the get ready for the guests mode, and pretty lickety split too I tell you.
This was our first really big gig in this house, and we were a little hesitant at first, but once we actually got down to it, things weren't so bad. The evening turned out to be a success. We had ample amounts of vegetables (and homemade shortbread, the way that my Mom used to make), and nobody went hungry.
So tonight is one more sleep until the king size bed arrives tomorrow. And with that in mind, I bid you all a good night.
Merry Christmas!
You are so creative - can't wait for the whole song!
On My Second Day of Pre-Christmas my mailman brought to meeee 3 packages of gifts I'd ordered! (For way too much shipping charges cuz I was late ordering lalala..)
I'm glad your dinner was such a success! Imagine if you'd left up that whopper of a tree!
if that tree had been up we would have had no room at the inn.
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