Last night it looked so untouched and pure. No tire marks, no footprints, and not a sound. Just white snow. Yes, this is what winter hibernation is all about. Time to sit by the fireplace with a hot cocoa and a good book.
p.s. - Caridee won America's next Top is good!
The snow is pretty here, too; within a few days, we got everything we were meant to get throughout November, but didn't. Once or twice I have looked out, thought, "Pretty" but then remembered last winter. My first one here; very pretty. Until, oh, end of March, when the prettiness dragged on, and on, and on, and I think it was May before the pretty pretty PRETTY SNOW finally went away.
See, this is why I need books. Lots and lots of books. I finished the ones you sent, BTW.
Personally, I think Melrose was robbed, and she knew it, and everyone knows it. She worked the hardest of them all. But, as I like to say, WHATEVER!
Snowfall, when you are nice and warm and comfy at home - don't have to go out and drive in the stuff - is one of the prettiest sights ever. Gotta agree with you on that.
As I sit here typing away, it is snowing in central Pennsylvania. Right now, it is still the fluffy stuff and is barely beginning to accumulate but the forecast for our region is that between now and tomorrow sometime, we should get between 2-6 inches. Considering where I live, odds are that we will end up with the 6 inch total.
I am scheduled for a doctor's appt. tomorrow in Pittsburgh - 140 miles away - and I am going to call that office and tell them the odds are not very good that I will be there. I refuse to drive 140 miles over treacherous roads for a five-minute consultation check-up when I am doing fine, have been seen on Tuesday this week by a local doctor who works with the one in Pittsburgh on my issues, plus I had a check-up just last week too with my family dr and for the past 7 weeks, had a home health nurse checking up on me once a week! What is this guy gonna need to see me for that can't be shared with him by the other 2 docs and the nurse I had over that time span? I could talk to him on the phone just as easily to tell him how things have been going and no need then to endanger myself and my daughter, who has to drive me to this appointment. Just not going to take a risk like that. My story and I'm sticking to it too!
I like seeing the snow when it is fresh and untarnished also. Like a rebirth of the earth. Good pics.
so, so pretty.
that's one thing i miss, living on the west coast...and why i like visiting places that get snow in the winter!
Pretty pictures. Let me know if that house across the street goes up for sale. The one with three garage doors. Mike would love it :)
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