Monday, June 18, 2007

The Typical Flying Dinghy

We are sailors. We spend our time around many types of vessels, but predominantly, sailboats. All shapes, sizes, and colours of sailboats. It's a marvelous world. Most of these vessels have an additional boat that is towed either from the stern, or hoisted in davits at the stern.

Little boats called dinghies. These little, and some not-so-little rubber boats can get you into some really special coves and spots that the bigger boats can't get into. They can get you to a town dock for shopping. Or they can get you to the next boat-neighbour for afternoon tea.

But we have one special fellow who has a dinghy of a different colour you could say. This is what we call the Flying Dinghy. The flying dinghy is fitted with a motor and a sail, and can glide through the air, high above us, and then, when ready, can come in for a landing on a piece of open water.

"Click on the images to enlarge"

Circling the waterway.

Preparing for take off.

And we have lift-off...just look at those trees.

High above the clouds now...heh heh.

Helloooooo down there.

Coming down for a landing....beside this big boat. Maybe they want a new dinghy!

Little flying dinghy...happy at last.


Anonymous said...

Great Pics!!!

Nikki Neurotic said...

Oh wow, that looks like a lot of fun! Have you ever ridden in it?

Jeni said...

Neat! Tres, tres cool way to get around and in between other boats and such.