Now, granted, they all stepped up, and as you will see at the end of my post, I have my ultra-faves, and they haven't let me down yet. But come on...that tongue on Sanjaya! And the low slung halter top on Haley? My my!
We are constantly reminded that this is a singing competition, and by all rights it is, but I don't think that anyone doesn't watch the show. What I mean by this is that no one listens to the show without the visual. Let's face it....we need that visual. I tried to actually listen to some of the competitors while not looking at them, and it's pretty darn hard to do. In fact, it's somewhat painful, and I kept peeking!
Try won't like it!
So, with that, I leave you my Faves and Fave-Nots (in no particular order):
Blake Lewis

Chris Richardson
Author's Post Show Comment => Chris should NOT have been in this week's bottom 2!

Gina Glocksen

Jordan Sparks

LaKisha Jones

Melinda Doolittle

Stephanie Edwards
Author's Post Show Comment => Stephanie should NOT Have GONE HOME tonight! She shouldn't have been in this week's bottom 2 either! What were those 30 million voters watching last night?!?

Chris Sligh

Haley Scarnato

Phil Stacey

Sanjaya Malakar
Author's Post Show Comment => What is this guy still doing here?!?

p.s. - that sobbing little girl in the audience is lucky that someone doesn't vote her off.
Can someone please tell me where Skittles is and why she has disappeared? I miss her and want her back.
Hey Mau - got a question for you and you're gonna have to e-mail the answer. But, on my post I did last night, early this a.m., there is no thing on there for people to click to comment. Got any ideas why that would or could happen?
I cannot believe Sanjaya is still there. And that crying girl is on all the talk shows now. What's wrong with this world? ;)
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