Personally, I don't want to know, or see, the evil being. I can hear parts of the conversation, to the tune of 'have you gone up in the attic?'....are they stupid or something? I wouldn't go up there if there was a million dollar reward waiting for me....wait...on second thought, I might. But, seriously, does either of us really want to go up there and view dead bodies strewn around the attic floor? i think not!
I'd much prefer flinging holy water or something up there, or performing a demon eviction.....exorcising ....of said animal.
hmmmm...a horrible thought just crossed my mind. What if the tcht-tcht-tcht is the same tcht-tcht-tcht that I heard back in November, except now the beast has had babies???

I've been so afraid to visit since the last time and now I return and the horror just won't go away!!!!
babies might be cute, an overprotective mummy waaay less so.
Oh, look how CUTE! Just about the same size as the one I found one in the house just a few days ago. It was cowering in terror in a very tiny space from two cats standing guard and watching it. (Hoping it would venture out, I'm sure.)
Adorable little bugger, didn't bite me or nuthin. I released it back into the lower part of the house, but don't tell anyone. (mwah ha ha ha)
I'm not a big fan of mice, heavens no to rats and such but when I hear noises in the walls or attic, my biggest fear is there's a bat family living there and I am terrified of those puppies! Hope you get the problem resolved - and soon - for your peace of mind!
BABIES from the tcht tcht tcht monster?? Sell the house! Get out while you can!
My brother had pet rats, so little rodents no longer freak me out. If it was a bat though...forget it!
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