Friday, January 19, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Twenty-Seven
Which television shows do you just refuse to miss?
- Survivor
- The Apprentice
- American and Canadian Idol
- America's and Canada's Next Top Model
- Grey's Anatomy
- Anything with Taylor Hicks, Prince William, among other favourites.
- Skating competitions
Who did you last speak to on the telephone?
How many pillows do you keep on your bed?
Main Course
Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you'd love to have.
What color is your bedspread/comforter/quilt?
While our questions may sometimes be related to food, the main idea here is to feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions. Each Friday when you visit this meme, you will find 5 enticing courses for your mind to gobble up:
- a quick, tasty morsel to get you started
- smooth and warm to soothe your mind
- a nutritious blend of "veggies"
Main Course
- a hearty portion that is sure to satisfy
- light concoction for your sweet tooth
Boy, would I ever love to have wireless! Right now, in this area with what is/isn't available here, I'd be in 7th heaven to have ANYTHING but dialup as long as it was a little bit faster! Of course, I really need a new computer before I start dreaming a of really nifty, extremely fast connection!
Wireless stuff scares me lol. I've heard of too many people getting onto your frequency and stealing things. A good feast though :)
Very yummy feast!
Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog!Welcome back any time.
I will Exercise for Comments!
I never though about putting any sporting events on my list. Skating is something I really enjoy watching. Good meal!
Wow, 10 pillows, how nice. I would love to have a wireless mouse and wireless internet connection too. Thanks for sharing your feast. Mine is up too.
WOW!!! 10 pillows?. I bet that's pretty:-). Great Feast. Thanks for sharing.. Have a great weekend..
10? Whoa. Do you just throw them onto the floor before sleeping? :P
I have a wireless computer on my wish list too. *sigh*
Wow someone else who doesn't miss skating competitions. Who is exicted for US natonals this weekend!!! Came from bestest blog. Nice work.
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