Bing-bing-bing-bing...hear ye...hear ye!
Somebody on TV used to say 'it's nice to be nice to the nice'....so true.
Skittles received this Nice Matters award, and then passed it on to a few people, and I happen to be one of them. I am still blushing. As I commented at Skittles post, I wrote how I do not really put a lot of effort into being nice. It is just part of my nature. Sometimes it can be a bit trying, and most assuredly I too can be crabby, but being and staying crabby really takes more effort. So, nice it is. Thanks, Skittles.
This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you've been awarded please pass it on to others who you feel are deserving of this award.
The next one goes to Mau from It's About Time. Mau was one of my first returning readers. Since then we have become friends and have talked on the phone more than a few times. She never has anything but nice and encouraging to say and her posts are wonderful, especially when she does sound effects.
Wow. So nice. And so is she.
So, I am to pass this on to other people. So here goes. (I'd give one back to Skittles, but it just wouldn't be right, doncha know?).
Silverneurotic is one of those nice people. She always comes around to visit, and drops a little comment. Her blog is quite entertaining....and her life is quite different from my life, but there is always a touch of intrigue.....just to keep you coming back for more.
Terry, Queen of the Dorks and another nice person, is still one of my favourite people to visit. She is a bit of a kook (that's a good thing), and doesn't seem to take things seriously...also a very good thing, in this our most serious of all worlds. When I first got into blogging, I recall being attracted to the strange title of her blog. I have never looked back since.
Jeni , another nice lady with whom we have a few things. She loves to write, and does it very well. I adore her daily Bushisms (even though I had the same calendar and could look them up...but I preferred to read them her way).
Ruth , is a newer addition to my list of people to callout. I am still getting used to including her in my daily visits, but I do enjoy her style of writing. She is another beam of entertainment and good clean fun.
I have another nice person, Mairin, but she no longer has a blog, but I'd like to send her this little award anyway. Just because.
There are so many others I could include in this list, but these are some that stand out, and who always send a warm and fuzzy feeling that way (and we're not talking caterpillars here).
So, go on...pass this award on to someone nice that you know. Brighten their day.
It brightened mine.
Thanks, Skittles.
Oh thanks Mags...it's so sweet of you. I've been remiss by not including you in my regular visits...I did start to update all my must visit sites but it was during a time when my pc kept playing up and I never finished doing it :o(
You ARE nice.. even to creepy people. ;)
This is a girl thing, right?
Oh, Thank you! This was a nice thing to see when I finally was able to get back online!
omigod...! masg, thank you! this is such a nice surprise!
thanks for your kind words.
you ARE really nice.
I see someone else calls you "MAGS"
And no, it's not a girl thing, Creech.
You are one of the sweetest people I know. SO THERE.
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