And let me tell you that this is no straight and easy feat.
You see, our boat is also our tent, if you will. While landlubbers hitch their tent on the back of their car, and head for campsites, we untie the docklines and head out on the water.
We have all of the amenities to survive a vacation off the grid, and this a good thing, since the grid needs a little rest methinks. It just takes a little bit of planning to get us to Nirvana land. We bring our own food and beverages, bottled water, entertainment, clothing for four seasons (this IS Canada after all). It's sort of like packing for a few extra weekends, but not knowing what weather we'll actually experience, so we bring LOTS.
We'll have to stop at the storage and pick up the kayak, and floating chair and 2 telescope chairs.
It sounds like a chore, and in some ways it is, because we repackage things to fit into small spaces, and leave the garbage at home, but once we get everything stowed away, and those docklines are free, so are we. It's a feeling of excitement mixed with anxiety, happiness and hysteria. Freedom from the rat race, the expectations, the demands.
So, I leave you with this picture of My Sweetie. It was taken last year at the Benjamin Islands. Doesn't he appear to be having the most leisurely time in the floating chair?
*the chair is calling*
**if I find a wireless connection somewhere, I'll be able to blog**
I live vicariously through your hammock.
Looks and sounds like a perfect way to vacation to me! Wish I were going with you.
The entire thing sounds perfect to me, too!
And I hope you are enjoying "Eat, Pray and Love". It's one of the best books I've read this year!
It sounds simply wonderful! I don't think I could get into or out of one of those chairs without seriously injuring myself.
Bon Voyage!
I hope you are having a good time on your vacation...see you around when you get back.
Still checking in daily in case you update. I hope you're having a great time. xxoo
Hi again,
Just thought I'd stop by and update you on the voting for bestest blog of the year. We've had over 8000 votes cast by over 100 different voters in just under a week. A contest update can be found at the new and improved brand new home of Bestest Blog!!, original details can be found here. With a week to go still, that $50 prize, title, and bragging rights is still up for grabs. Also, be sure to get in the running to be blog of the day again this year by joining the Blankest Blank Blog Directory. Thanks for reading and please stop by and leave a comment at the new Bestest Blog some time!
These vacation people are starting to bug me. No one around the cubicles to hassle.
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