Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm a collector

I have come to the conclusion that I am a collector. Now I knew that I had a thing for purses and shoes....and watches....and bears....and cat paraphernalia....and that I collected coins and buttons....*maybe I should add this to my profile info*....but I have discovered that I like to collect books. Now I didn't say that I get to read all of them, but I bought three more last night, and I know that I will get around to reading them, but I just don't know when. When I peruse the house, with the amount of books that we have between us, I figure that we could start up a lending library of sorts. It's quite the collection.

The flip side of this is that I don't like to lend. Guess it comes from being an only child. Like, I would never lend ANY of my Diana books, ever. But if there was a book that I read that I enjoyed, but didn't feel a real connection with, then I would probably give it away. I actually have a few on the shelf that are promised to a few people.

So there you have it. I am a collector.

I wonder what it will be next?


Anonymous said...

Just not a collector of animals, like some folks I know. Because when it comes to animals, a collector has a slightly less positive connotation.

PS: there is NOTHING wrong with having too many purses!

lattégirl said...

Barb, I went to your Skittles blog and your panic attack blog but get an error message when trying to leave comments.

masgblog said...

tg: happy to have someone on my side when it comes to handbags.

barb: checked out Thriftbooks, and coincidentally, when shopping at Costco last night, I had picked up 'Running with Scissors', 'The Way We Were, Rememberiong Diana', and 'Hitching Rides with Buddha'.