Squeaky lives on my blog....the old Squeaky...the one who is a hamster and runs in his wheel. There is also another Squeaky. He is the resident chipmunk who visits for nuts. This little guy made his appearance a short while ago, and we have been 'getting to know each other'. He is still slightly nervous, but he knows that I have nuts for him, and so he keeps himself close to where I sit. Every so often, he makes an appearance and stares at me, waiting. Sometimes, if I am not paying attention, he nibbles on one of the pears that have fallen from the tree.
He is an adventurous one, and knowing this, I keep a little nut container nearby. I say adventurous for a reason. I have a basket of things that I always take outside with me, and I now include that little nut container. Today though, I noticed that the basket was moved, and it appears that Squeaky was trying to figure out how to open the container, which is not easy. Of course I helped him out and broke up a treat for him.
.....now I have to encourage him to get closer *come closer....closer*, close enough to take a nut from my hand.